As the fined glass melt exits the furnace through the throat, it enters the conditioning area. Many glass products, such as containers, glassware, and glass wool, are thermally conditioned in the furnace. The forehearth’s purpose is to supply homogeneous glass at the correct temperature to the outlet. Colored glass can also be produced inside forehearths by combining frits directly into the melt. The glass delivery must be well-controlled in stable operation, before and after a job change. This course provides an overview of the various parameters available for optimal feeder control.
• General principle of feeder and forehearth system
• Thermal heat transfer and temperature homogeneity
• The impact of gas heating and electrical boosting
• Devitrification at the cold spots
• Mixing and coloring
• Control and automation
After the training you will:
• Know which levers impact the behavior to deliver a homogeneous glass at the proper temperature
• Optimize job changes
• Monitor feeder behavior with all available measurements
• Recognize and take action in the event of quality issues related to the forehearth
Training methods
We offer a blended learning approach by mixing e-learning, lectures, open discussions, exercises, and case studies in teams or individually. The number of participants per course is between 10 and 25 to maximize your learning experience. Participants always receive the presentations and a training certificate.
Level of seniority
This course is meant for novice to junior professionals who would like to improve their understanding and apply the knowledge in practical cases.

Price excludes tax and duties.
The 6th participant from the same company can join for free.