This course describes the fundamentals of heat transfer mechanisms in the combustion space, batch blanket, and glass melt. It focusses on radiative heat transfer in glass melts depending on the presence of the coloring ions and the redox state of the melt. The effects of new, emerging, sustainable furnace technologies, like hydrogen combustion and full electric melting on the heat transfer mechanisms are elucidated.
• Heat transfer in the combustion space:
– Flame emissivity
– Effect of soot
– H2-rich flames
• Heat penetration in batch:
– In flame furnaces
– In electric cold-top furnaces
– Effect of cullet type and content
• Heat transfer in glass melt
– Radiative heat transfer using a new model for predicting thermal radiation conductivity
– Convection in melting tanks
After the training you will:
• Estimate the impact of the nature and preparation of raw materials on the heat penetration in the batch blanket
• Assess the effect of glass chemistry, color, and redox on radiative heat transfer in the glass melt
• Evaluate the effects of furnace design on convective heat transfer with help of characteristic dimensionless numbers
Training methods
We offer a blended learning approach by mixing e-learning, lectures, open discussions, exercises, and case studies in teams or individually. The number of participants per course is between 8 and 20 to maximize your learning experience. Participants always receive the presentations and a training certificate.
Level of seniority
This training is meant for junior professionals to skilled professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge and understand the topic in detail.

Price excludes tax and duties.
The 6th participant from the same company can join for free.